More TV on the Internet

by Arthur
Posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 at 8:11 pm CET
Apple today expanded their selection of TV shows on their iTunes Music Store. ABC’s Lost and Desperate Housewives have been available since October, but today new and old shows from NBC, Sci-Fi and USA were added. Also this week CNN started online television with their new CNN Pipeline service, with four commercial-free live feeds for $2.95 per month.
Available on iTunes now for $1.99 per episode are:
Posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 at 8:11 pm CET
Apple today expanded their selection of TV shows on their iTunes Music Store. ABC’s Lost and Desperate Housewives have been available since October, but today new and old shows from NBC, Sci-Fi and USA were added. Also this week CNN started online television with their new CNN Pipeline service, with four commercial-free live feeds for $2.95 per month.
Available on iTunes now for $1.99 per episode are: