Jump rope record broken in Etten-Leur

by Arthur
Posted on Monday, February 27th, 2006 at 9:39 pm CET
Today, in the Dutch town of Etten-Leur, the world record of the largest number of people to jump rope simultaneously was broken. The original British record from 2004 of 2,350 people was broken today with a new total of 3,426.
The event was organised during the carnaval festivities to draw visitors to the town, which suffers from stiff carnaval-competition of the nearby popular Breda carnaval parade.
Ironically, the AAHPERD (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) is organizing an event in Orlando on 17 April to try and break the English record. They plan to break the world record with 3,000 jumpers. I guess they will need to find some extra rope if they still want to break that record.
Today, in the Dutch town of Etten-Leur, the world record of the largest number of people to jump rope simultaneously was broken. The original British record from 2004 of 2,350 people was broken today with a new total of 3,426.
The event was organised during the carnaval festivities to draw visitors to the town, which suffers from stiff carnaval-competition of the nearby popular Breda carnaval parade.
Ironically, the AAHPERD (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) is organizing an event in Orlando on 17 April to try and break the English record. They plan to break the world record with 3,000 jumpers. I guess they will need to find some extra rope if they still want to break that record.
1:54 pm
how in your damn life did you beat the jump rope record. You must really be a beast at real good