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Campaigns against proposed highway past the country’s oldest nature reserve

Posted on Saturday, June 10th, 2006 at 3:13 am CET

On June 30th the Dutch government will decide on a new road connection between Amsterdam, Schiphol airport and Almere. It is Transport Minister Peijs’ preferred option for beating the congestion in the area. Many are against this plan, as the new tunnel and highway will go very close near the oldest nature reserve of the Netherlands, the Naardermeer.

Naardermeer photosNatuurmonumenten, The Society for the Preservation of Nature Reserves in the Netherlands, owns the Naardermeer and it is their oldest acquisition, dating back to 1906. The area of marshland is an internationally recognized reserve, and an important resting stop for migratory birds, including the Eurasian Spoonbill. The organization has started an extensive campaign on television, radio and in newspapers against the proposed building of the highway. Dutch celebrities are visiting the reserve and expressing their concerns about the plans in the media.

The political party PvdA expressed this week that they are also against the A6 to A9-highway connection and said that there are other ways to relieve traffic around Amsterdam. “It is not necessary to bring Naardermeer in danger,” party member Co Verdaas said. “So don’t do this!”

The campaign of Natuurmonumenten is not the only effort against the proposal. Some of the others are:

Campaigns against the A6 to A9 highway

Natuurmonumenten is not against mobility and realizes that a solution is needed for the congestion around Amsterdam, but many alternatives to the proposed highway have been constructed, alternatives that are being supported by local and provincial authorities, and many organisations. In April, ministers Peijs and Dekker have already expressed their preference for the building of the highway between the A6 and A9, and on 30 June the cabinet will make a decision. If you want to support Natuurmonumenten you can become a member or sign the online petition.


Nov 21, 2012
11:08 am
#1 Roxana wrote:

I’m not super familiar with that area , but it looks to me like the csesolt location listed on the chart is Farmington, with a date of May 1. If you tend to have similar weather to Farmington, I would use that date. You’re right on the edge of the two groups. If it is a mild winter/spring and you are excited, I would follow the yellow schedule. If it is a cold winter-spring and you are more relaxed, I would use the green schedule.

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