World Cup Aftermath = Mass Exodus

by Amy
Posted on Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 at 12:30 pm CET
One of the headlines in today’s paper read “Exodus na WK-Verlies” (Exodus after World Cup Loss). Since Holland’s loss to Portugal Sunday night, Dutch soccer fans (almost everyone) can forget about following the World Cup and finally move on to more important things: VACATION!
On Monday travel agencies around the country were extra busy with customers eager to book holidays. The director of D-Reizen said that it was noticably busier than the previous two weeks; clearly a lot of people were waiting on the World Cup before booking their summer holidays.
Agency Oad also noticed an increase in traffic. A spokesperson from Oad said that although the weather always plays a role in their bookings (it’s been cold and rainy since Saturday), it was clear that lots of people were waiting on the World Cup hopes of Holland before making any travel plans.
Source: “EXODUS NA WK-VERLIES” in today’s Spits!
One of the headlines in today’s paper read “Exodus na WK-Verlies” (Exodus after World Cup Loss). Since Holland’s loss to Portugal Sunday night, Dutch soccer fans (almost everyone) can forget about following the World Cup and finally move on to more important things: VACATION!
On Monday travel agencies around the country were extra busy with customers eager to book holidays. The director of D-Reizen said that it was noticably busier than the previous two weeks; clearly a lot of people were waiting on the World Cup before booking their summer holidays.
Agency Oad also noticed an increase in traffic. A spokesperson from Oad said that although the weather always plays a role in their bookings (it’s been cold and rainy since Saturday), it was clear that lots of people were waiting on the World Cup hopes of Holland before making any travel plans.
Source: “EXODUS NA WK-VERLIES” in today’s Spits!