More record weather – this time rain

by Amy
Posted on Tuesday, August 29th, 2006 at 12:30 pm CET
We’re having another extreme weather record-breaking month here in the Netherlands. After the extreme heat of July, we are now having one of the wettest Augusts ever. As of last Friday, we have had thirteen ‘heavy rain’ days this month. Over 50mm of precipitation in one day is considered a ‘heavy rain.’
The Dutch national weather agency (KNMI) keeps thirteen weather stations across the country. On average the stations recorded 157mm of precipitation, which is 60mm more than normal for August. That makes August 2006 the wettest since 1906. The previous record of 152mm occurred in 1969.
This month has a chance to become the all-time wettest month in the Netherlands – the current record from September 2001 stands at 191mm.
We’re having another extreme weather record-breaking month here in the Netherlands. After the extreme heat of July, we are now having one of the wettest Augusts ever. As of last Friday, we have had thirteen ‘heavy rain’ days this month. Over 50mm of precipitation in one day is considered a ‘heavy rain.’
The Dutch national weather agency (KNMI) keeps thirteen weather stations across the country. On average the stations recorded 157mm of precipitation, which is 60mm more than normal for August. That makes August 2006 the wettest since 1906. The previous record of 152mm occurred in 1969.
This month has a chance to become the all-time wettest month in the Netherlands – the current record from September 2001 stands at 191mm.