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Did you know there is beef in Pop-Tarts, M&M’s and Mentos?

Posted on Friday, September 15th, 2006 at 6:13 pm CET

I didn’t realize this, but many food products like Pop-Tarts, M&M’s, Cupcakes, Snicker bars, etc. have beef or pork gelatin in them.

Mentos with beef

There are so many meatless products that have beef enzymes, pork gelatin or chicken in it, it’s disgusting. Check out this list of products and ingredients:

M&M's with beef

Product brand name Ingredient
Hostess Cupcakes Pork gelatin
Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts (frosted) Beef gelatin
Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats     Pork gelatin
Ranch Salad Dressing Pork/beef enzymes
Gold Fish Crackers Micro beef enzymes
Hershey’s Cheetos Calf
Twix bar Beef gelatin
Mentos Beef gelatin

And the list goes on — you can find a longer list at The Hare Krsnas.

Kellogg's Pop Tarts with beef gelatin

An FAQ on Kellogg’s website says:

Gelatin, which is used in some of our products to provide texture, is derived from either beef or pork. Products containing pork gelatin include Kellogg cereal products with marshmallow additives (i.e., Kellogg’s® Marshmallow Froot Loops cereal and Kellogg’s Smorz® cereal) and all varieties of Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies Treats® Squares. Products containing beef gelatin include all varieties of Kellogg’s® Frosted Pop-Tarts®, Kellogg’s® Frosted Mini-Wheats® cereal, Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies Treats cereal, and the Kellogg’s® Fruit-Flavored Snacks that contain gelatin.

I don’t want to give up Pop-Tarts, M&M’s, etc … so this new piece of information will probably not change my eating habits, but still … it’s really amazing they do this, and what I don’t understand is how they can go about putting vague ingredients on their packaging, like “Type B Gelatin”, when that’s really beef or pork gelatin they’re talking about.

There are alternatives to beef/pork-based gelatin, like agar agar, a jelly obtained from the cell walls of some species of red algae or seaweed.

Wouldn’t you rather have seaweed and algae in your Strawberry Pop-Tarts than beef or pork?


Goldfish with beef gelatin



Nov 15, 2006
1:47 am
#1 Katie wrote:

wow, i cant believe so many foods have dead animals in them. very helpful as i am a veggi too. but i dont eat fish.

Nov 15, 2006
10:24 pm
#2 Katie (again) wrote:

personally, i would hope you would stop eating foods containing geletin(e). think of the poor animals! also, mozza sticks, (processed cheese deep fried and batterd) contain renett.


Mar 9, 2007
8:43 am
#3 Tim wrote:

I’ve been a near-vegetarian (I eat cheese and don’t check it, but no fish) for quite some time, and I haven’t had any gelatin in a long time. I even check most additives nowadays.

However, a few days ago, someone offered me a mentos. I refused, but did do a quick glance over the ingredient list. I could neither find the listing of gelatin, nor one of its additive numbers.

I think they might’ve decided to get rid of gelatin. It could be worth it to check this out. Please note that I live in the Netherlands, and I think the European/Dutch version of Mars, for example, has been free of gelatin for a longer time than its American counterpart. Don’t quote me on this, though!

Mar 9, 2007
8:46 am
#4 Tim wrote:

Check out

They quote it’s been gelatin-free since 2001.

May 23, 2007
12:05 am
#5 nadyah wrote:

i have know about the gelatin thing for a long time and its not only gelatin you have to worry about it is in the cheese powder in doritos so there another thing to check on it has pork in it some how!

Jun 29, 2007
2:40 am
#6 Amy wrote:

M&Ms are Kosher and dairy, which means that it is impossible for them to have any beef product or by-product in them (because of the prohibition of mixing any dairy products with meat ones) and still retain their Kosher supervision. The OU (Orthodox Union: supervising kosher authority) is VERY strict about this.

Jun 29, 2007
2:42 am
#7 Amy wrote:

p.s. Kosher refers to the Jewish dietary laws. (sorry I didn’t mention that before!) 🙂

Sep 4, 2007
3:10 am
#8 ellen wrote:

I was soo shocked when i bought 2 boxes of pop tarts and checked the packet and was shocked to see beef gelatin. Its so unfair when they could use an alternative. There is no exuse so why do it! Omg you sure about the fruit loop thing? they dont make them here but i had them as a kid..! its so sad!!

Sep 5, 2007
2:38 am
#9 S. J. wrote:

My whole family is strictly vegitarian, and we’ve been eating all these products forever!! Hot-Cheetos, twix, milky ways, 3 muskuteers… it makes me angry that they’ve lied to us about this for so long…

Oct 28, 2007
2:26 am
#10 Smarties wrote:

You pwoplw are really stupid! Just don’t eat anything then…because everything that you eat practically contains the stuff. OMG!

Oct 28, 2007
7:57 pm
#11 YUYU wrote:

Smarties,you are the only stupid person in this board,why do you come here for anyway? you must be a real fat ass,you stupid cow

Nov 2, 2007
11:16 am
#12 RAMONES-X wrote:

heyyy im so happy that mentos are meat free =]]

Nov 21, 2007
6:15 am
#13 Lauren wrote:

They do actually have different kinds of gelatin, and please don’t start bashing me (becuase no i am not talking about jello) not always the ones made from beef and pork.

Dec 13, 2007
2:08 am
#14 Candice wrote:

What I miss most are Lucky Charms, that was one of the things I was looking forward to in my move to America!
It is not right at all they use this shit when there are alternatives. Surely even the meat-eaters find it disgusting that when they eat a mint with cow fat in it…. gross.

Dec 13, 2007
8:27 am
#15 melissa wrote:

is there pork or beef gelatin inside the ripped fuel extreme dietary supplements, for working out

Jan 30, 2008
2:35 am
#16 Alaa wrote:

Thank you… i wanted to know if the pop-tarts have beef or pork gelatin.. .. as a muslim i can’t eat pork

Thanks again

Apr 4, 2008
1:31 am
#17 gutgut wrote:

wow i cant eat these foods anymore yo.

that is messed up.

cant they make gelatin out of like, something else?

May 20, 2008
11:24 pm
#18 Paul wrote:

Yoplait yogurt also has beef gelatin. I ate it for several years, finally read the ingredients, and switched to another brand without it.

Jun 3, 2008
5:19 pm
#19 Alice wrote:

thanks a million for all this… turned veggie 3 months ago and i wanted to be on the safe side and onli eat the vege foods. this wz really helpful!
they rele do need to put warnings of meat or use of animal’s flesh etc on their packets, cuz its sick. like some ppl said before, how disgusting would it be to eat a mint then realise u’ve just eaten some poor cow??? :S

Jul 30, 2008
12:08 am
#20 Craving wrote:

isn’t there a way to make pop tarts without gelatin. i was craving it today so badly but cuz im a muslim i couldn’t eat it.

Jul 31, 2008
8:50 am
#21 Arthur wrote:

@Craving: Yes, there are alternatives to beef gelatin that these companies could use, but they decide not to. The animal product must be cheaper than alternatives such as Cellulose (Amid), Agar-Agar, Biobin, Guar, Xanthan, Carob fruit and others. Gelatine is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals, but the US federal government does not categorize it as a meat or animal product.

Mar 16, 2009
4:31 pm
#22 Matt wrote:

Beef gelatin is the tits!!!!! I would rub beef gelatin all over my body. Vegetarians are eating beef all over the planet. hahaha.

Apr 14, 2009
12:48 pm
#23 Jake wrote:

The gelatin in Pop-Tarts is in the frosting. I think most unfrosted varieties of Pop-Tarts are gelatin-free, and know for certain that the unfrosted Blueberry and Strawberry kinds are gelatin-free.

May 13, 2009
10:33 pm
#24 kylie wrote:

i would stop eating all those right away. if knowing them were made by animals and still eat them i dont think i will still call myself a vegetarian. its has no different meaning to me compare to put a whole piece of meat in my mouth. i really feel disgusted.

May 26, 2009
7:41 pm
#25 like oh my gosh wrote:

what heck can’t just say pork or beef cause i try good muslim and if they don’t tell what gelatin next time i kill the lol but really it not that hard to say beer or pork cause pork is poppy & disgusting

May 26, 2009
7:42 pm
#26 like oh my gosh wrote:

what heck the can’t just say pork or beef cause i try to be a good muslim and if they don’t tell what gelatin next time i kill them lol but really it not that hard to say beer or pork cause pork is poppy & disgusting sorry wrote again i not good at writing & typing

Jul 9, 2009
10:18 pm
#27 Samaad wrote:

OMG there are million muslim in the USA and don’t know about all the stuff that has gelatin in it. It’s sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 15, 2009
9:52 am
#28 Reggie wrote:

Kellogs uses Kosher geletine. I don’t know why they put that on their site

Jul 23, 2009
12:05 pm
#29 Lilly wrote:

I’ve been a vegetarian a long time now, and most cheeses have meat products in them too, also most gummy candies like gummy bears, and worms have it too. I think they should put a label on food that contain any meat product to warn for vegetarians!

Aug 9, 2009
11:02 am
#30 Conner Smith wrote:

awww, i jus haad pop tarts anddd im a vegan!!!!!!

Aug 25, 2009
10:23 am
#31 Kivi wrote:
Oct 15, 2009
8:37 pm
#32 omia wrote:

does pop tarts have pork gelatin or beef wich one in it

Oct 16, 2009
8:36 am
#33 Wolfstad wrote:

@omia: Pop Tarts contain beef gelatin, not pork gelatin

May 22, 2010
9:39 am
#34 sosad wrote:

this is so sad 🙁

Jun 3, 2010
11:20 pm
#35 Whatamigoingtoeat wrote:

disgusting. I have stopped eating animals & when I found out about this I threw up. I thought I was saving the animals & I’ve been paying people to slaughter them this whole time. The world is a fucked up place when people can put animals in candy & call it “natural flavors” & I have no idea what I’m going to eat now because they put gelatin in EVERYTHING including the food I love like ice cream chocolate some candies yogurt marshmellows cereals cakes cookies everything. why would people try to sneak innocent animals into foods we would never even expect them to be in? at least when they sell meat people know they’re killing animals when they eat it but I had no way of even knowing & I am just really disappointed and I feel lied to.

Nov 11, 2010
1:39 am
#36 This is some 'Bull' wrote:

I live in a huge family. Only 2 of us are vegetarians. We live off of most of the things on that list. It’s such bullsh*t that they can sneak meat into our foods like that, and why the f*ck would they do that? It’s just stupid. Some day, I’m going to make that stupid crap illegal. We have a right to know what we’re eating. I’m tired of being lied to!

Dec 17, 2010
12:06 am
#37 Sweetie Pie 97 wrote:

Ive been listening to the band, NeverShoutNever and Christofer Drew inspired me to become a vegetarian and im 12 and find this highly disgusting… I feel like i cant eat anythng at all anymore!!!

Jan 18, 2011
3:32 pm
#38 Sam wrote:

You can still enjoy frosted pop tarts without having any meat based gelatin in them easily:

Feb 23, 2011
7:13 am
#39 Brookayy wrote:

I’m a Vegtarian.. Wow, the only thing I can eat now is like bread and drink water.
I feel lied to too!!

Stupid people! But,hey, for the people that want to lose weight and your a veggi, you can just not eat all this crap because it has MEAT?!?! Anyyywayyy, so there’s something good. (:

Apr 26, 2011
12:37 pm
#40 Jeannie wrote:

Wow!!! Meat products contain necessary dietetic nutrients and vitamins for our health. Cattle, swine, sheep etc. are God’s creatures put on earth to help nourish our bodies. That is their purpose. The by-products derived from these animals are far more than most know. I’m sure that the majority of people, veggi or not, use by-products from animals all day every day! I am proud to produce a safe, wholesome and nurtious product such as beef and beef by-products. The fact is: to lose weight, it takes eating a balanced diet which includes protein rich meats – not processed foods such as pop tarts and high sodium vegtables. All fresh foods are healthy, including meats!

May 23, 2011
7:51 am
#41 faizal wrote:

Really, I think in this day and age manufactures should not be doing this sort of thing. I mean what about the vegetarians ? And if you are going to put crap into the food label it clearly please.

Oct 17, 2011
6:37 pm
#42 mona wrote:

i hate poptarts

Oct 17, 2011
6:41 pm
#43 mona wrote:

kelloggs company is a bicth!

Oct 18, 2011
3:02 pm
#44 Sonia wrote:

Yeah I know for a fact that Mentos don’t have gelatin. There’s this thing on the back of food packages called “ingredients”, and the Mentos say nothing about gelatin. Just because a condy or food is chewy doesn’t mean that it contains gelatin. As for the “enzymes” I’m not sure what you mean. M&Ms are made from milk, milk comes from cows and therefore would have cow enzymes. That doesn’t mean it isn’t vegetarian. Being a large company, Mars would get into a lot of trouble if they didn’t specify the supposed meat enzymes in their product. Everything on the M&Ms chocolate is either chocolate, dye, or the candy coating. There is nothing about any added enzymes. If you’re trying to imply that chocloate in general contains beef then you are mistaken.

Oct 25, 2011
1:36 pm
#45 veggie freak wrote:

plants have feelings too, what do I eat?

Nov 23, 2011
8:10 am
#46 Gaf wrote:

That was a great read; the comments, that is, more than the article. The angst of vegetarians sustains me almost as much as the tasty pop tart I’m eating!

Nov 24, 2011
12:38 pm
#47 alyvia wrote:


Nov 24, 2011
4:48 pm
#48 Keira wrote:

Wow.. I’ve been a vegetarian for 1 year and 3 months, and I’m astounded by how closely vegetarians have to pay attention because of products like this. I guess I’ll be checking the ingredients on everything before I eat them now. I’ve been mindful to avoid products that more obviously contain gelatin (Jell-O, gummy candies, etc.) but this takes it to a whole new level. It’s things like this that should be brought more to attention. I’ll be glad to remove these from my pantry, anything for the life of an animal–too bad no one else in my family’s a vegetarian.

Jan 14, 2012
2:57 pm
#49 LL wrote:

Most kosher gelatin is made from fish. M&Ms have a derivative from insects which makes them “melt in your mouth, not in your hands.” Mentos bought in kosher stores with a special kosher seal have no meat gelatin in them. All reliably kosher products do not contain animal gelatin. Make pop tarts at home with pie dough.

Feb 25, 2012
9:50 am
#50 joshua wrote:

very disappointed in the food industrial for not putting not suitable for vegetarians sign/symbol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am a vegetarian and i do not eat fish i do not eat sweats

Feb 29, 2012
8:10 am
#51 blueladybug75 wrote:

WOW! It amazes me that people don’t take resposibility for their own actions! Ingredients are listed on every food product you buy, so if you choose to be ignorant about the food you are eating, then don’t bitch about it and blame someone else!

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.”-Albert Einstein

Feb 29, 2012
8:16 am
#52 blueladybug75 wrote:

BTW….Yoplait claims that their yogurt is kosher, but they put carmine (crushed up beetle parts-yuck!) in their strawberry yogurt!

Dec 2, 2012
9:32 pm
#53 King carnivore wrote:

I love meat and I hate people who don’t eat it

Mar 31, 2013
10:42 am
#54 Rizel wrote:

I am a vegetarian and I had no idea! I got a gummy candy today, and was reading the ingredients and found this ingredient: gelatin (beef). EEEW. I looked up what gelatin is exactly , and what they mean by gelatin (beef) and found so much that is just sickening. So many people dont know that gelatin contains meat products and many are like me, vegetarian! They should put something on there letting you know that gelatin contains meat products. I’m gonna feel so dumb if I am the only one who had no clue about this now.

Jul 29, 2013
1:17 am
#55 Moo-Lolly-Bar wrote:

We didn’t realise that Pop-Tarts, M&MS and Mentos had beef in them but will be sure to let our customers know.

Oct 28, 2014
12:32 am
#56 Shania Baker wrote:

Oh wow! I have been a vegetarian for a year and a month now. I am glad I saw thins before I ate any of it. Thank you for this new information!!!!! 🙂

Oct 28, 2014
12:34 am
#57 Shania Baker wrote:


Apr 7, 2015
7:49 am
#58 Scott D wrote:

@Jeannie #40. What a great speech. I think all us vegetarians are going to go back to supporting the killing of animals after reading that… not. Humans used to kill each other for territory, food or because someone pissed us off. We don’t do that anymore because we are civilized and more advanced. Believing god put animals on the earth for us to eat is the most selfish point of view. All animals have a right to a free life and we should embrace the diverse wildlife we have instead of killing it unnecessarily. Plus Livestock farming is less efficient than being vegetarian or vegan and causes increased pollution. Everyone has different opinions but don’t tell us what’s right or wrong because you will lose the moral high ground every time. Rant over 🙂 Keep it up animal lovers ;D

Aug 31, 2015
7:02 am
#59 Niki wrote:

We’re not vegetarians in our family but my daughter is allergic to alpha-gal and can’t have any mammalian meats does anyone know of a website that has a list of meat products in foods this includes the ingredient gelatin

Dec 29, 2015
9:16 pm
#60 Jose Angel Corujo Soto wrote:

Look I wish to have a easyer lifestyle routine , honest to God I would like to have time to prepare nice healty breakfast but tell even with Self Driven Cars how you are going to cook in a car takare of your eldel father and trying to find a date or its easier to go into gas station fill in the car gas tank grab a pop tart you do not even have to warm it up I wish poptarts were made out oatmeal but they fill me till one inthe afternoon give us customer a poptart credit card and we would tell the world what hunger its stop being so hard on food lovers I enjoy poptarts since I was little what are going to healty for less dollars How plesant it is to eat a poptart its so romantic to munch them…

Jan 20, 2016
4:09 pm
#61 PJ wrote:

After tick bites, I’m been having increasingly severe allergic reactions to beef or beef products the last four years if I accidentally get it in my diet. Now I’m having allergic reactions to gelatin capsules, milk and milk products including whey. The increased sensitivity was unexpected and unwelcome. This information was helpful. More ingredient info always appreciated. It would have saved many trips to an allergist and dermatologist! With all the processed foods, it’s difficult to find pure protein sources.
Still missing a good burger!

Jun 9, 2016
4:29 pm
#62 lola wrote:

this is bullshit

Jun 9, 2016
4:31 pm
#63 lola wrote:

crap i ate all of these stuff before THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the worst part of it is that im muslim

Jun 9, 2016
4:32 pm
#64 lola wrote:


May 10, 2017
2:42 pm
#65 Kathen wrote:

Thanks so much I will definitely be using this. I’ve been vegetarian for over seven years thanks for this

Mar 30, 2018
9:49 am
#66 Ariannah wrote:

If you hate people who don’t like meat, you’re basically hating people’s opinions. Everyone has a freedom to their opinion. I know you didn’t say this, but if you want the meat haters to die? Then you think that people don’t have a right to their opinion. If you’re not gonna at anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

Mar 30, 2018
9:49 am
#67 Ariannah wrote:


May 15, 2018
2:46 pm
#68 Virginia wrote:

Maybe you can further expound on this subject by including

May 15, 2018
2:50 pm
#69 Virginia wrote:

Sorry, my post sent before I was done! Please add MEAT GLUE to your info; it is even more disgusting than gelatin, being made from beef & pork BLOOD PRODUCTS….used in everything from yogurt to tofu to ice creams to gravies! Industry is NOT required to label these ingredients and you will be shocked to find that it is now in almost EVERYTHING we eat, just like Round-Up & GMO’S

May 24, 2018
10:06 am
#70 Jamie wrote:

That’s crazy

Jun 21, 2019
9:41 pm
#71 C k layne wrote:

I have been a vegetarian for 40 years. It is my choice to be so, yet I don’t condemn Rhodes chose to be carnivores. Vegetarianism has come a long way. Am I an animal advocate, yes!

Sep 7, 2023
3:31 pm
#72 Iam Myself wrote:

I am not overly concerned with having animal byproducts in my food and snacks, however I do need to know what type of animal is used. I am one of millions who have a pork allergy, and any pork byproduct will have a negative effect on my health. So I can’t eat anything containing marshmallows or any other product with pork based gelatin. I can’t even eat the Banquet Salisbury steak because it has pork added. But at least Banquet is willing to list pork on its ingredients. There are also millions who suffer from a red meat allergy, so it would be wise for food producers to list any and all animal byproducts used in the consumable products they sell. This will avoid any legal consequences that are bound to occur, as liability lawsuits are on the rise. Peanuts and shellfish are not the only food additives that put the public at risk.

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