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Yet more record weather in the Netherlands

Posted on Thursday, September 28th, 2006 at 12:30 pm CET

Following our record-breaking heat in July and the record rainfall of August we are now experiencing the warmest September in 300 years, according to the Dutch weather agency (KNMI).

This September the average temperature is four degrees (Centigrade) warmer than the average. The warmest temperature of the month, 30.2, was registered on 12 September in Ell, in Limburg.

In the average September there are two days over 25 degrees; this year there have been eight such warm ‘summer’ days. In fact, in the average year there are 22 days above 25 degrees; this year there have been a whopping 51.

The KNMI has been recording temperature, wind speed, humidity and precipitation since 1705.

Source: September de warmste in driehonderd jaar


Oct 5, 2006
4:29 pm
#1 Ron wrote:

Hi Amy and Arthur, I found your site after googling a video on pottery. Nice go at the wheel Arthur! Anyhow I have enjoyed reading about your travels and looking at your photos.
Best. Ron in North Carolina, USA

Oct 29, 2006
1:23 am
#2 Dave wrote:

Hey guys,

did your Fall end up record breaking? We almost had record breaking warmth in Alaska in September and October. Our temps were 5-10 degrees above normal (monthly averages). Now we finally have snowcover and the arctic air now can build…

take care

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