Coop supermarket in Den Haag has huge selection of American food

by Arthur
Posted on Sunday, November 19th, 2006 at 12:21 pm CET
Yesterday we found an unusually large selection of American grocery products at a regular supermarket in the Hague, here in the Netherlands. The store is Coop Van Dijk on Ursulaland 80-82 (see on Google map). There used to be an American school nearby, which is now gone, but the owner still likes to keep importing the American products, which fill an entire aisle in the store.
From what we remember they had Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Crisco vegetable shortening, baking powder, Karo corn syrup, Betty Crocker cake mixes, Oreos, Pop Tarts (American and British), three different American pancake mixes, Keebler Vanilla Wafers, Triscuits, Club Crackers, A&W Cream Soda, Mountain Dew, Ocean Spray cranberry juice, Grapenuts, Golden Grahams, Cheerios, Fruit Loops, lots of S&W cans of beans, Jell-O, Aunt Jemima Corn Bread mix, canned pumpkin, Campbell soups, Pillsbury frostings, big bags of American or British flour, Pop Secret popcorn, several Snapples (not ice tea), and much, MUCH more.
The prices were quite reasonable too, with Pop Tarts (strawberry and s’mores) for €3.99 per box of eight, which is about one Euro cheaper than anywhere else I have found them in the Netherlands / Belgium / Germany-area; Cans of Mountain Dew and A&W Cream Soda were €1.22; Jell-O was €1.39; box of Grapnuts was around €5.00, and S&W beans for €1.98.
We didn’t buy much yesterday because we were by train after visiting the charity fund raising International Food Fair. The annual event was held in a school (Francois Vatel School, Granaathorst) where the various national communities had set up booths in the halls or class rooms, to serve the delicacies of their homelands. There were also stands with books, second-hand stuff, crafts, Christmas cards, etc. Represented were the foods of Africa, Sri Lanka, Spain, Portugal/Brazil, Africa, Italy, Croatia, Ireland, Mediterranean, USA, Latin America, India/Pakistan and Netherlands. Each country had a large selection of food available that was prepared in the nearby large kitchens. The proceeds go to charity.
Yesterday we found an unusually large selection of American grocery products at a regular supermarket in the Hague, here in the Netherlands. The store is Coop Van Dijk on Ursulaland 80-82 (see on Google map). There used to be an American school nearby, which is now gone, but the owner still likes to keep importing the American products, which fill an entire aisle in the store.
From what we remember they had Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Crisco vegetable shortening, baking powder, Karo corn syrup, Betty Crocker cake mixes, Oreos, Pop Tarts (American and British), three different American pancake mixes, Keebler Vanilla Wafers, Triscuits, Club Crackers, A&W Cream Soda, Mountain Dew, Ocean Spray cranberry juice, Grapenuts, Golden Grahams, Cheerios, Fruit Loops, lots of S&W cans of beans, Jell-O, Aunt Jemima Corn Bread mix, canned pumpkin, Campbell soups, Pillsbury frostings, big bags of American or British flour, Pop Secret popcorn, several Snapples (not ice tea), and much, MUCH more.
The prices were quite reasonable too, with Pop Tarts (strawberry and s’mores) for €3.99 per box of eight, which is about one Euro cheaper than anywhere else I have found them in the Netherlands / Belgium / Germany-area; Cans of Mountain Dew and A&W Cream Soda were €1.22; Jell-O was €1.39; box of Grapnuts was around €5.00, and S&W beans for €1.98.
We didn’t buy much yesterday because we were by train after visiting the charity fund raising International Food Fair. The annual event was held in a school (Francois Vatel School, Granaathorst) where the various national communities had set up booths in the halls or class rooms, to serve the delicacies of their homelands. There were also stands with books, second-hand stuff, crafts, Christmas cards, etc. Represented were the foods of Africa, Sri Lanka, Spain, Portugal/Brazil, Africa, Italy, Croatia, Ireland, Mediterranean, USA, Latin America, India/Pakistan and Netherlands. Each country had a large selection of food available that was prepared in the nearby large kitchens. The proceeds go to charity.
12:53 pm
Do you know where I can buy
Libby Pumpkin pie mix in the can..?
Johnny Lee