Snow Day

by Arthur
Posted on Friday, December 19th, 2008 at 11:21 pm CET
Everything outside is beautifully white and quiet from the 20cm blanket of snow that fell this morning. The normally busy road outside the house is much more quiet as fewer cars are carefully driving on the slick roads. I don’t think that I have seen so much snow since our trip to Evenstad in 2002.
We just made a fun walk to our nearby grocery store. What follows below is a series of photographs with highlights from that same walk this morning:

Not so busy road

Mailbox in the snow

Our footprints in the fresh snow

Abandoned shopping cart

Snow plow clearing the parking lot

Covered stop sign at Dominick’s
Talking about snow, check out this a fun video of a dog running around in very deep snow:
Posted on Friday, December 19th, 2008 at 11:21 pm CET
Everything outside is beautifully white and quiet from the 20cm blanket of snow that fell this morning. The normally busy road outside the house is much more quiet as fewer cars are carefully driving on the slick roads. I don’t think that I have seen so much snow since our trip to Evenstad in 2002.
We just made a fun walk to our nearby grocery store. What follows below is a series of photographs with highlights from that same walk this morning:

Not so busy road

Mailbox in the snow

Our footprints in the fresh snow

Abandoned shopping cart

Snow plow clearing the parking lot

Covered stop sign at Dominick’s
Talking about snow, check out this a fun video of a dog running around in very deep snow: