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Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary

Posted on Thursday, January 1st, 2009 at 10:10 am CET

Yesterday we drove down to Lincoln Park in Chicago and briefly visited the Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary. We had heard that a Great Horned Owl had been sighted there the last few days so we went to have a look for it. Unfortunately we couldn’t find it, but it was still nice to see the bird sanctuary.

Lincoln Park 017 (31-Dec).jpg

It was a very sunny beautiful day, but verrrrrry cold! We walked around the fenced bird sanctuary and quickly returned to the warm car. We didn’t see many birds, except for some robins, pigeons, gulls and starlings. We did see these two little Hooded Mergansers (a new species for us) floating around the ice floes in the harbor.

Lincoln Park 056 (31-Dec).jpg

Lincoln Park 012 (31-Dec).jpg

The 8-acre Bill Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary is an important stopover for some of the 7 million birds that pass through Chicago during the spring and fall migrations. The whole area is surrounded by a large black fence and no humans are allowed inside. You can walk all around along the fence.

Lincoln Park 024 (31-Dec).jpg

There are a few information signs posted outside the sanctuary with interesting information about the birds that use it. Did you know that young ducklings of Wood Ducks have sharp claws for climbing up and down trees?

Lincoln Park 020 (31-Dec).jpg

On the east side of the sanctuary there’s a nice viewing platform with a couple of benches and more information signs.

Lincoln Park 019 (31-Dec).jpg

Some of the holes in the trees had little furballs in them. We reckoned that they were all raccoons. How cute is this?

Lincoln Park 006 (31-Dec).jpg

We didn’t see many birds and it was extremely cold, but we still had a beautiful view of the city from Belmont Harbor. Those two largest buildings on the next photo are John Hancock Building on the left and Sears Tower on the right:

Lincoln Park 038 (31-Dec).jpg

Lincoln Park 037 (31-Dec).jpg

Lincoln Park 057 (31-Dec)

We also saw the Kwagulth Totem Pole, which is an exact replica of the original Kraft Lincoln Park totem pole, which was donated to the City of Chicago by James L. Kraft in 1929. It stood there until 1985 when it was moved to British Columbia in Canada.

Lincoln Park 028 (31-Dec).jpg

Lincoln Park 036 (31-Dec).jpg

Lincoln Park 034 (31-Dec).jpg



Apr 13, 2009
10:24 am
#1 Caroline wrote:


The Bill Jarvis bird sanctuary is to be destroyed if Chicago gets the Olympics. Please try to spread the word against this cruel treatment of birds.

Apr 28, 2009
5:09 pm
#2 Charlotte Newfeld wrote:

Glad you enjoyed Jarvis. We are experiencing the first of the Spring migration and efemeral blooming. Tryllium, Blood root, Hepatica, Trout lilly, Marsh Marigolds,Tooth wort and although not native a carpet of Blue Scilla. The first Purple Martin pairs have returned to our housing and their volunteer landlords are in action. The Bird species count is on the rise. Sat during our work day volunteers spoted an Am Bittern, wood ducks,White crown,White throat, Swamp, Le Conte, and Song Sparrows, March wren,Northern Water thrush, King Fisher, Scarlett Tananger,Flicker, Sapsucker,Downy, Hairy and red bellied Wood pecker. Black and White Warbler, Coopers Hawk, Kinglets etc. The next south wind will bring more. This is what makes the hard work of maintaining and creating and defending a Habitat in the heart of one of Chicagos’ most “Peopled “area worth all it takes.
Charlotte Newfeld Steward
Jarvis Migratory bird Sanctuary
Work days 2ond and 4th Sat of the month 9am-2pm. everyone welcome and you get to go inside the fence

May 13, 2010
10:01 pm
#3 John wrote:

I added a link to the following site to allow others to see your great photography []

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