My Hinky Illinois I-Pass, Part 2

by Arthur
Posted on Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 at 11:20 am CET
(see part 1 for the beginning of this saga) It’s been over three weeks since I was instructed by the Illinois I-Pass service desk to send my I-Pass back. I had received it in the mail last month after ordering it online, but the activation code and account number were missing. When I called the service desk at the end of last month they told me to send it back and they’d send a new one. I included a cover letter explaining what happened. After three weeks I had still not heard back from them. I called them yesterday and this time another person, who seemed be more knowledgeable than the first one, explained to me that I-Passes ordered online are already activated! She put me on hold for about 15 minutes as she searched for my I-Pass and letter, but never found it. She was surprised that I didn’t understand that I-Passes ordered online are already activated and told me that I should not have sent it back. WTH?!
- The I-Pass I received in the mail included a flyer that specifically said that new transponders need to be activated online or by phone before use;
- The website says that new transponders need to be activated;
- When I called and gave them my details, which they then looked up in the computer, they told me it needed to be activated.
So how could I have possibly known that it was already activated? I surely don’t start driving around with the thing unsure if it’s activated or not?!
In any case, the person I spoke with yesterday promised to send me a check with my $50 back and instructed me to order another one online or just go to Jewel and buy one there.
Well I sure as heckfire am not going to order another one online, so I went over to our local Jewel-Osco in Round Lake Beach and bought one there. This time I got a nice little box, which seems a lot less dodgy than the brown envelope with foil that I received last time:

The transponder even has an activation code on it! Nice!
This morning I went to the I-Pass website and activated the I-Pass online. It says:
Your account will typically be activated within 30 minutes for use on the Illinois Tollway system.
Thirty minutes? That’s not too bad. Except that was two hours ago and when I check now it’s still “pending”. In fact, the status page says Please check again in the next few days. That’s right: days!

The website says We’ve made getting an I-PASS as easy as possible. Really? I’ve been trying to get this damn thing for over a month now. I’d hate to find out how the order process was before they made it this ‘easy’. 😉
(see part 1 for the beginning of this saga) It’s been over three weeks since I was instructed by the Illinois I-Pass service desk to send my I-Pass back. I had received it in the mail last month after ordering it online, but the activation code and account number were missing. When I called the service desk at the end of last month they told me to send it back and they’d send a new one. I included a cover letter explaining what happened. After three weeks I had still not heard back from them. I called them yesterday and this time another person, who seemed be more knowledgeable than the first one, explained to me that I-Passes ordered online are already activated! She put me on hold for about 15 minutes as she searched for my I-Pass and letter, but never found it. She was surprised that I didn’t understand that I-Passes ordered online are already activated and told me that I should not have sent it back. WTH?!
- The I-Pass I received in the mail included a flyer that specifically said that new transponders need to be activated online or by phone before use;
- The website says that new transponders need to be activated;
- When I called and gave them my details, which they then looked up in the computer, they told me it needed to be activated.
So how could I have possibly known that it was already activated? I surely don’t start driving around with the thing unsure if it’s activated or not?!
In any case, the person I spoke with yesterday promised to send me a check with my $50 back and instructed me to order another one online or just go to Jewel and buy one there.
Well I sure as heckfire am not going to order another one online, so I went over to our local Jewel-Osco in Round Lake Beach and bought one there. This time I got a nice little box, which seems a lot less dodgy than the brown envelope with foil that I received last time:

The transponder even has an activation code on it! Nice!
This morning I went to the I-Pass website and activated the I-Pass online. It says:
Your account will typically be activated within 30 minutes for use on the Illinois Tollway system.
Thirty minutes? That’s not too bad. Except that was two hours ago and when I check now it’s still “pending”. In fact, the status page says Please check again in the next few days. That’s right: days!

The website says We’ve made getting an I-PASS as easy as possible. Really? I’ve been trying to get this damn thing for over a month now. I’d hate to find out how the order process was before they made it this ‘easy’. 😉
6:14 pm
I worked for them. The way they treated us is terrible as customer service reps. They tell us we have to keep our calls under 4 mins and yell at us when we don’t. When we try to be nice and really assist someone, we get yelled at for taking too long. When we raise our hand to ask for help, they yell at us to “put our hands down and handle our own calls”. In training they leave out so much, when you ask “why” they tell us “that’s the way it is” as unfair as we think it is. We don’t want to be mean on the phone, we just need a job and have to follow there rules, as unfair as we agree they are, just to keep paying our bills. We get fired for the stupidest reasons. I tried to help a guy out, bent policy a little, he called back asking for more and they found out what I did and boy did i get it. if we don’t follow policy, like i said as dumb as we believe they are, we get fired. We are hired thru staffing agencies so they can fire us for anything because they just call it “our assignment is over” and we’re out on the street with no job. A few of us were actually told one day by a manager that we as Customer Service Reps don’t deserve respect because the few that they hire (right out of high school with no common sense) that screw things up, screw them up for everyone, even the ones who do their job well. Our called are recorded, every word we say. And they have a set day that they pick out certain calls and listen to them to see if we had done or said anything wrong and we get fired if we did. Even if we try to help and bend policy, if they find out we did, we’re gone. And we always knew it’s unfair and don’t take it personal if a Customer Service Rep is rude, that it basically what we are told to be. Our supervisors are rude to us and basically tell us we need to be like them. Then we will ask a question or ask for an explanation to tell the person on the phone they basically tell us “because that’s the way it is” and walk away and we are expected to come up with an answer. The problem is then we get yelled at from the person on the phone because we can’t give them an answer and the supervisors refuse to speak for us. So yea, sorry. Don’t take it personal. Just trying to pay our bills. Just another job.