Loontastic Saturday

by Amy
Posted on Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 8:49 pm CET
On Saturday we went on a birding excursion, the popular Looney Trip, sponsored by the Evanston North Shore Bird Club.
We’d seen our first Common Loons just days before and this outing was a great opportunity to see more as well as meet a bunch of local birders and check out some new birding spots. I wrote a report of the day on my birding blog.
Posted on Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 8:49 pm CET
On Saturday we went on a birding excursion, the popular Looney Trip, sponsored by the Evanston North Shore Bird Club.
We’d seen our first Common Loons just days before and this outing was a great opportunity to see more as well as meet a bunch of local birders and check out some new birding spots. I wrote a report of the day on my birding blog.
9:49 pm
Amy, I am jealous…I love the loons so much…didn’t know they stopped here while migrating north. And the Bald Eagle thing is awesome too. Wish I would have known about this…would have loved to go. Very cool stuff.