Good backyard bird week

by Arthur
Posted on Saturday, October 17th, 2009 at 9:00 pm CET
We’ve had a good week for backyard birding. Not only did the White-crowned Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos return for the winter, we also had five new song birds! Since we moved to this house in February we’ve been keeping track of all the birds we’ve seen in our backyard. This week we added five new species.
It started last Monday with a Yellow-rumped Warbler that was hanging out in the back and the next day Amy spotted the first Chipping Sparrow at our feeder. On Wednesday we heard a thump against the window and found a little Golden-crowned Kinglet laying on the roof, knocked out. We picked it up and put it in a box in a warm place. A half hour later it started to scratch around in the box so we let it out in the backyard. The kinglet immediately flew to our tallest tree and we watched it for a while as it was flitting around the tree top looking for bugs. Yesterday we saw our first Red-breasted Nuthatch flying back-and-forth between a feeder and a tree and just a few minutes later a Ruby-crowned Kinglet was hopping around the big tree where we had earlier seen the recuperated Golden-crowned.
Wow, that makes 30 different species in our yard so far! I never guessed we’d get so many in our suburban neighborhood! Especially the beautiful warbler and kinglets were a huge surprise. We’ve also been seeing a Cooper’s Hawk almost every day, terrorizing our song birds. Last week we saw him eat a House Sparrow and Amy caught it on video (gruesome!). He likes to sit on the lightest slat of our fence, which is the same color has himself, so he blends right in.
Here’s our complete backyard species list:
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (16 October 2009)
- Red-breasted Nuthatch (16 October 2009)
- Golden-crowned Kinglet (14 October 2009)
- Chipping Sparrow (13 October 2009)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (12 October 2009)
- House Wren (3 August 2009)
- Blue Jay (31 May 2009)
- Northern Flicker (25 May 2009)
- Red-tailed Hawk (24 May 2009)
- Ring-billed Gull (19 May 2009)
- Baltimore Oriole (18 May 2009)
- Common Grackle (6 May 2009)
- White-crowned Sparrow (6 May 2009)
- Tree Swallow (May 2009)
- Brown-headed Cowbird (April 2009)
- Common Starling (30 March 2009)
- American Tree Sparrow (30 March 2009)
- Downy Woodpecker (20 March 2009)
- American Robin (18 March 2009)
- Song Sparrow (15 March 2009)
- Red-winged Blackbird (15 March 2009)
- American Crow (March 2009)
- Northern Cardinal (15 March 2009)
- House Sparrow (12 March 2009)
- Mourning Dove (6 March 2009)
- House Finch (6 March 2009)
- Black-capped Chickadee (3 March 2009)
- Cooper’s Hawk (March 2009)
- Dark-eyed Junco (26 February 2009)
- American Goldfinch (22 February 2009)

We’ve had a good week for backyard birding. Not only did the White-crowned Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos return for the winter, we also had five new song birds! Since we moved to this house in February we’ve been keeping track of all the birds we’ve seen in our backyard. This week we added five new species.
It started last Monday with a Yellow-rumped Warbler that was hanging out in the back and the next day Amy spotted the first Chipping Sparrow at our feeder. On Wednesday we heard a thump against the window and found a little Golden-crowned Kinglet laying on the roof, knocked out. We picked it up and put it in a box in a warm place. A half hour later it started to scratch around in the box so we let it out in the backyard. The kinglet immediately flew to our tallest tree and we watched it for a while as it was flitting around the tree top looking for bugs. Yesterday we saw our first Red-breasted Nuthatch flying back-and-forth between a feeder and a tree and just a few minutes later a Ruby-crowned Kinglet was hopping around the big tree where we had earlier seen the recuperated Golden-crowned.
Wow, that makes 30 different species in our yard so far! I never guessed we’d get so many in our suburban neighborhood! Especially the beautiful warbler and kinglets were a huge surprise. We’ve also been seeing a Cooper’s Hawk almost every day, terrorizing our song birds. Last week we saw him eat a House Sparrow and Amy caught it on video (gruesome!). He likes to sit on the lightest slat of our fence, which is the same color has himself, so he blends right in.
Here’s our complete backyard species list:
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (16 October 2009)
- Red-breasted Nuthatch (16 October 2009)
- Golden-crowned Kinglet (14 October 2009)
- Chipping Sparrow (13 October 2009)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (12 October 2009)
- House Wren (3 August 2009)
- Blue Jay (31 May 2009)
- Northern Flicker (25 May 2009)
- Red-tailed Hawk (24 May 2009)
- Ring-billed Gull (19 May 2009)
- Baltimore Oriole (18 May 2009)
- Common Grackle (6 May 2009)
- White-crowned Sparrow (6 May 2009)
- Tree Swallow (May 2009)
- Brown-headed Cowbird (April 2009)
- Common Starling (30 March 2009)
- American Tree Sparrow (30 March 2009)
- Downy Woodpecker (20 March 2009)
- American Robin (18 March 2009)
- Song Sparrow (15 March 2009)
- Red-winged Blackbird (15 March 2009)
- American Crow (March 2009)
- Northern Cardinal (15 March 2009)
- House Sparrow (12 March 2009)
- Mourning Dove (6 March 2009)
- House Finch (6 March 2009)
- Black-capped Chickadee (3 March 2009)
- Cooper’s Hawk (March 2009)
- Dark-eyed Junco (26 February 2009)
- American Goldfinch (22 February 2009)