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Our new Wingscapes Birdcam

Posted on January 2nd 2009 by Amy in Birds

For Christmas I got a Wingscapes Birdcam from Santa. It’s a weather-resistant outdoor camera designed to take photos and videos of birds. I’ve had it take photos for the last couple of days and the backyard Birdcam bird count is up to twelve species. Here are some of the photos we’ve gotten so far: Blue Jay; American Tree Sparrow; Mourning Dove.

Blue Jay

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Arby talks to starlings

Posted on December 21st 2008 by Amy in Personal, Weather

Arby discovered a small group of Common Starlings perched on a wire close to the house. The temperature outside is hovering 0 °F around so the birds are probably huddling close to the house for warmth.

When Arby gets really excited he chatters. It’s like he’s trying to talk to the birds. Here’s a short video of him chattering:

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Woo hoo!

Posted on November 5th 2008 by Amy in Politics

President Obama

Deep into packing

Posted on September 2nd 2008 by Amy in The Big Move

We’re trying to get our stuff shipped out by next week. Arthur’s doing most of the packing. I’m mostly just freaking out, chanting these songs: Let it Go and Give It Away and this one from RHCP.

The Loire Valley’s other gastronomical delight

Posted on August 21st 2008 by Amy in Travel

On Tuesday we visited the Musee du Champignon outside Saumur, France. In the Saumur region there are many troglodyte buildings cut into the soft rock valley walls; the region produces more mushrooms than any other in France. We had a tour of the mushroom caves which included exotic specimens as well as the more common types of mushrooms grown and sold in France.

Mushroom Bed
Bed of mushrooms More »

Today’s French Delicacy

Posted on August 21st 2008 by Amy in Food, Travel

French grocery stores are full of delicious single-serving desserts and puddings. The other day we picked up these lemon meringue desserts and they are so yummy! Each one is like a little single-serving pie.

Lemon Meringue Dessert Package

Lemon Meringue Dessert - It won't last long now!

I think we will bring home a cooler-full.

Amazon’s Universal Wish List

Posted on August 8th 2008 by Amy in Shopping & Stuff, Websites & Tools

A few weeks ago Amazon added the Universal Wish List bookmarklet button as a new feature to their already pretty awesome Wish List. It’s great!

When you have this bookmarklet in your favorites, you can add any item from any website to your Amazon wish list! I tried it with a couple of my favorite online shops and it works like a charm.

The Amazon Universal Wish List popup on Scubadorable
The Amazon Universal Wish List popup on Scubadorable

When you see a product – on any website! – that you want to add to your Amazon Wish List, click on the bookmarklet to bring up the Wish List pop-up. When I did this on Birdorable, the product name and correct photo default in, and I was able to enter the price and a personal note. Then I clicked on Add to Wish List and – woo hoo! – there it is.

My Wish List now showing Scubadorable jacket
My Wish List now showing Scubadorable jacket

What’s wrong with Kingsport, TN?

Posted on July 18th 2008 by Amy in The Big Move

What’s wrong with Kingsport? Well, it’s not Ocala. It’s also not Durango. It’s not Lakeland, Cincinnati, Nederland, or Rockford. It’s not even Asheville or Greenville. It’s not any of the dozens of places we thought we might like to live, but it was the number one pick when we went through the survey on a few months ago. We’ve done the survey a few more times since then, and Kingsport comes up in our top 10 every time.

On you can pick your lifestyle preferences in categories like weather (we like seasons, but keep it mild, please); culture (museums & music – yes, zoos and operas – no); recreation; region (we have no particular preference); and housing cost. Affordable housing is a priority for us as we would like to buy a house.

Some other towns that come up under our preferences are Sheboygan, Wisconsin (too cold in the winter); Salem, Oregon (too far from home); and Tulsa, Oklahoma (too tornadoey).

So what’s wrong with Kingsport?

More grass than they’d ever seen

Posted on June 28th 2008 by Amy in Personal, Websites & Tools

Yesterday we took the cats out for some fresh air. We bought harnesses and leashes for them. They will have to wear the harness during our upcoming flight so we thought to try and get them used to wearing them.

Alex was off and running!

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Reasons to vote Republican this November

Posted on June 12th 2008 by Amy in Personal, Politics, Pop culture

The tagline at I’m Voting Republican ( is You’ll Get What You Deserve. Here are some good reasons to vote Republican this November.

Read more about the segments in the commercial here.

Are you still voting Republican? If not, you might like some of the funny, original Obama t-shirts for sale at Leftique.