More pics of our keet

Posted by Arthur in Birds, Life in Holland

The last three days we have seen the Rose-ringed Parakeet in our backyard here in Leiden every day and today it seems to be hanging around the whole time. Our neighbors have also taken note of it. Here are some better photos than the ones I posted on Wednesday.

Rose-ringed Parakeet

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April 25th 2008 | 5:14 pm CET | No Comments »

The Rose-ringed Parakeet that ate our nuts

Posted by Arthur in Birds, Life in Holland

Just two months after our backyard was for the first time visited by two Goldfinches, today we saw another species: a Rose-ringed Parakeet! These birds are originally from tropical Africa and India but have established feral populations in a number of cities around the world, including London and the Randstad area in the Netherlands. We hear them fly by our house quite often and sometimes we see them sitting high up in trees in our neighborhood. This was the best view we had of one since we saw them in India:

Rose-ringed Parakeet

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April 23rd 2008 | 6:51 pm CET | No Comments »

Hurrah! Six new tigers at Ranthambore

Posted by Arthur in Nature

Here’s some good news: six new tiger cubs were sighted at India’s national wildlife sanctuary Ranthambore this year. This brings the total number of tigers in the park to 38! 😀

In March 2006 we were fortunate enough to see tigers at Ranthambore on our vacation in Rajasthan. That was such an exciting moment; the park is beautiful and even without seeing tigers we would have had a great visit, but all of a sudden an adult tiger crossed the road just in front of our jeep:

Tiger in Ranthambore

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April 22nd 2008 | 3:54 pm CET | No Comments »

Our visit to Madurodam

Posted by Arthur in Life in Holland, Travel

Yesterday we visited Madurodam, the smallest town in the Netherlands. Madurodam is a tourist attraction near the Hague where typical Dutch buildings and landmarks are displayed at a 1:25 scale. Here’s a video of some of the things we saw:

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April 19th 2008 | 5:49 pm CET | No Comments »

What I won’t miss

Posted by Amy in Life in Holland, Personal

I don’t want to be too negative, but I admit there will be some things I won’t miss when we move from the Netherlands. More »

April 17th 2008 | 11:01 am CET | 3 Comments »

What I will miss

Posted by Amy in Food, Life in Holland, Personal

As we plan to move from the Netherlands to the U.S., I have been thinking about what I will miss the most once we are settled in our new place. Besides our dear family, I am sure I will miss a few other things.
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April 16th 2008 | 11:33 am CET | 3 Comments »

What we’ve been up to this year

Posted by Amy in Personal

Ever since I moved to the Netherlands to live with Arthur in May 1999, it has always been our plan to move to the U.S. ‘someday’. In late 2006 we finally made the decision that we would move in early 2009. At that time the plan was to start looking into the process in early 2008. In mid-2007 we decided to move up our plans by several months and by the end of 2007 we decided we would try to move as soon as possible. In order to move we would have two major tasks: applying for Arthur’s immigrant visa, and selling our home in Leiden. More »

April 13th 2008 | 3:18 pm CET | No Comments »

New bird in our backyard

Posted by Arthur in Birds

Last week we saw a new bird in our backyard: a Goldfinch (‘Putter’ or ‘Distelvink’ in Dutch). It isn’t a rare bird at all, but we never saw one before in our own backyard.

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February 18th 2008 | 10:13 pm CET | No Comments »

New Indiana Jones trailer!

Posted by Arthur in Movies, Pop culture

There are three movies that come out this year that I am really looking forward to, all of them sequels: Star Trek 11, The X-Files 2 and Indiana Jones 4. A brand new trailer of Indiana Jones came out today. I expected it to be one of those trailers where you don’t see anything, but it actually shows a lot of scenes. Check it out:

You can see a lot more in the HD version which you can download from Yahoo.


February 14th 2008 | 10:45 pm CET | No Comments »

First Night in Leesburg FL

Posted by Arthur in Personal, Travel

This week we were in Florida and for New Year’s Eve we visited Leesburg for First Night. Leesburg, a small town north of Orlando that celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2007, is one of four cities in Florida that organize a First Night every year. There was live entertainment in 17 venues along the town’s charming Main Street, from 8pm to midnight.

Leesburg FL Main Street
Leesburg Main Street

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January 6th 2008 | 4:03 am CET | No Comments »